This home dumbbell shoulder workout will help you build a stronger frame for injury-free strength sessions and big upper-body gains in 2024.

There’s nothing wrong with grabbing your adjustable dumbbells and regularly working your whole body, but our shoulders require special attention. That’s why we’ve devised this home dumbbell shoulder workout to start your new fitness regime as you mean to go on. The big muscles in the joint have the capacity to shift a large amount of weight but if you ignore the small stabilizing muscles that are deep in the joint you could end up with an injury that’s hard to heal.

This workout begins with two dumbbell exercises – external and internal rotations – that strengthen the deep-lying stabilizing muscles. They will also warm up your joints for the bigger lifts, such as the seated shoulder press, that follow.

As with any body part, it’s important to work the shoulders from a variety of angles. The lateral raise will target your middle shoulders, the front raise targets your front shoulders and the halo targets the front, middle and rear shoulders.

Try this dumbbell shoulder workout at home

  1. Dumbbell external rotation (12-15 reps each side | 2 sets)
  2. Dumbbell internal rotation (12-15 reps each side | 2 sets)
  3. Dumbbell kneeling hammer-grip shoulder press (10 reps | 3 reps)
  4. Dumbbell lateral raise (10 reps | 3 reps)
  5. Dumbbell front raise (10 reps | 3 reps)
  6. Dumbbell halo (10 reps | 3 reps)

How to do this dumbbell shoulder workout:

  • Do exercises 1-6 in order
  • Rest for 1 minute between sets
  • Rest for 2 minutes between exercises

Why you can trust the workouts from Men’s Fitness

At Men’s Fitness we pride ourselves on delivering information that serves a singular purpose: to improve some aspect of your health, fitness or wellbeing. For over 16 years, we’ve been publishing authoritative health and fitness content – written by our expert editors and contributors – in the form of the monthly Men’s Fitness magazine. Each of our workouts has been created by either a highly experienced editor or expert contributor, and has been tested and used in real-world situations.

1. Dumbbell external rotation

Man performing dumbbell external rotation start position as part of shoulder workout
Start position: lie on your side with knees bent
Man performing dumbbell external rotation as part of shoulder workout
Rotate your arm as far as is comfortable
Reps12-15 each side
Rest60 secs

Do this move as a warm-up before heavy dumbbell shoulder exercises or at the end of a workout to develop your stabilising muscles.

How to do a dumbbell external rotation:

  • Firstly, lie on your side with your knees bent for stability. It’s best to use an exercise mat for floor exercises.
  • Next, with your upper arm in line with your body, bend your elbow to 90 degrees and hold a dumbbell.
  • Then, rotate your arm as far as is comfortable and return to the start. 

2. Dumbbell internal rotation

Man performing dumbbell internal rotation start position
Start position: lie on your side with knees bent
Man performing dumbbell internal rotation as part of shoulder workout
Rotate your arm upwards, holding the dumbbell
Reps12-15 each side
Rest60 secs

Move your shoulder in the opposite direction to the external rotation during this dumbbell exercise.

How to do a dumbbell internal rotation:

  • Start by lying on your side with your knees bent for stability, your upper arm in line with your body and your elbow bent at 90 degrees.
  • Hold a light dumbbell in your upturned palm.
  • Now, rotate your arm so the dumbbell points upwards with your elbow still at 90 degrees.

3. Dumbbell kneeling hammer-grip shoulder press

Man performing kneeling hammer grip shoulder press start position
Start position: kneel with your dumbbells at shoulder height
Man performing kneeling hammer grip shoulder press in shoulder workout
Press the weights overhead without letting them touch
Rest60 secs

Kneeling while doing the dumbbell press makes this shoulder exercise more stable and allows you to lift more weight.

How to do a dumbbell kneeling hammer-grip shoulder press:

  • Firstly, kneel with the dumbbells held at shoulder height and your elbows out to the sides.
  • Make sure you keep your core braced throughout the move and avoid arching your back.
  • Now, press the weights directly overhead but don’t let them touch at the top.

4. Dumbbell lateral raise

Man performing dumbbell lateral raise start position
Start position: stand with your feed shoulder-width apart
Man performing dumbbell lateral raise as part of shoulder workout
Lift the weights out to the sides
Rest60 secs

Use a light weight to target both your delts and your upper traps to give yourself broad-looking shoulders.

How to do a dumbbell lateral raise:

  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, your body upright and your core braced.
  • Then, lift the weights out to the sides with straight arms.
  • Stop at shoulder level and hold for a second before lowering slowly.

5. Dumbbell front raise

Man performing dumbbell front raise start position
Start position: standing with your dumbbells out in front
Man performing dumbbell front raise as part of shoulder workout
Lift the dumbbells to shoulder level and pause
Rest60 secs

By raising the dumbbells out in front of you, you place the stress on the front of your shoulders during this exercise.

How to do a dumbbell front raise:

  • Firstly, hold the dumbbells in front of your quads with your palms facing you.
  • Now, lift the dumbbells out in front of you to shoulder level, pause for a second, then lower slowly to the start. 

6. Dumbbell halo

Man performing dumbbell halo first rotation
Start with the dumbbell out in front of you before rotating
Man performing dumbbell halo reverse movement
Rotate around your head then reverse the movement
Rest60 secs

Moving the dumbbell around your head in a 360-degree rotation works your whole shoulder joint, making this exercise a great addition to this workout.

How to do a dumbbell halo:

  • Firstly, hold the dumbbell in front of you at chin height with palms facing forwards.
  • Next, rotate the dumbbell around your head then reverse the movement back to the start.

Looking for a new dumbbell set? We recommend the Jordan Fitness Premium Urethane Dumbbells, which are grippy, good value for money, and suitable for beginners.

$52-$1,553 / £42-£1,260 BUY NOW from

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